Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Yunnan College of Business Management & Study in ynjgy

Living Expenses

1. Accommodation




Accommodation fees

4 persons/room


Bathroom, 24-hour hot water shower, telephone, network interface, computer desk, wardrobe



Bathroom, 24-hour hot water shower, telephone, network interface, computer desk, wardrobe, TV

2. Teaching materials: RMB 500yuan/academic year. This expense will be deducted according to the actual use.

3. Food costs: students could have meal in dinning halls with campus for-all card, about 20 yuan/day. In addition, students can use outdoor basketball and football playground. For plastic football and volleyball playground, students need to pay some charge. Electronic reading hall of our library provides charged network service. Students can see doctor in our clinic or to other hospitals.

4. Library card: students who want to borrow books from library can get free library card, but pay 50 yuan deposit.

Other fees

Charge for physical test: 400yuan/person.Charge for residence visa: 400yuan/person.
Insurance: 120 yuan/month, 1380 yuan/year.

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